Michelle writes a story that’s a page-turner. Her book Chocolate Cake Marriage includes the parts of her journey that are dark and painful in a way not often admitted by Christian writers. She manages to keep the light shining as she shares the ways for the reader to find joy again.

Michelle gives very practical tips to improving any marriage. Starting with taking ownership of your part in the relationship, putting Biblical principles into action and trusting change will come.

Michelle Sullivan has a powerful way of communicating important and life changing issues couples face, today. Her words empower, equip and encourage couples to follow God’s recipe for creating the sweetest of marriages. Using Biblical principles, Michelle pours out wisdom, page after page. Every couple will benefit from reading Chocolate Cake Marriage. The tools she offers will help readers find deeper intimacy and establish richer communicable skills, producing vibrant marriage relations both in and outside the bedroom.

I highly recommend Chocolate Cake Marriage to anyone who is looking for answers. Michelle speaks from her heart truth that can set one free. Her personal victories carry authority that speaks Life. This book gives truths that allow the reader to experience who they were created to be, which when applied will bring transformation to one’s marriage.

Michelle lives every word of her message in her everyday life. Her words ministered to me offering deep understanding of how to respect my husband. Her sweet and genuine approach opened my heart to understand what it means to respect my man practically—even offering practical ways to talk to him. Chocolate Cake Marriage gives every woman the opportunity to have this marriage changing wisdom.

Chocolate Cake Marriage is a must read for all. I have written seven books, but I have never been as excited about a book like I am about this book as I believe it is going to help so many marriages. Every pastor should have several copies in their office to give to couples to read, even before they start counseling.

Michelle Sullivan is a gifted speaker. She is authentic, warm, articulate and connects well with her audience. Michelle has the ability to add humor and real life stories to somewhat difficult topics such as sex and marriage. I hired Michelle to speak at my women’s event and I would highly recommend her for any women’s conference.

I love Michelle Sullivan’s book, Chocolate Cake Marriage! I didn’t think I needed it, but now I know I do! A great read to refresh your marriage!

Michelle Sullivan is a breath of fresh air! She doesn’t “talk at” her audience. Rather, she shares, laughs, and relates with them. She opened my eyes to see things from my husband’s perspective and made me want to run home and hug him so tightly!

Michelle’s message is fresh and exciting. Her insights are relevant and personal, and she brings Biblical insight into a topic that many of us tend to glaze over. She cuts to the center of your heart with grace, and I know my marriage is better for having learned from her.

As a Pastor’s wife and women’s ministry director, I am always keeping my ears open for spirit- filled, godly and capable retreat and special event speakers. Michelle Sullivan is a spirit – filled, humble- and very capable speaker who has an amazing story to tell about her journey through life. She beautifully weaves her story in with biblical teaching. Your women will laugh, cry and be totally blessed by Michelle.

Once again, you encouraged us with your words of wisdom. Your humorous way of presenting your message was perfect. Thank you for your obedience to share your story.

There are so many wonderful things to say about Michelle, but in a nutshell, she is an eloquent, practical, grace-filled, and extraordinary speaker and I highly recommend her to any women’s group. The women at our event left knowing more about what God has to say to us about marriage and with some fantastic and fun ideas to grow and become the wives (or, if single, potential wives) that God designed and intended each of us to be.

Michelle has a heart for women. As soon as you meet her, it is evident in the love she has for others, the words that come out of her mouth, and the things she does that blesses others, even when she thinks no one is looking. Her testimony is one that connects her quickly with her audience so that women are able to see how they, too, can press on to be the woman God has called them to be. All Women In Need of God’s Strength who hear her messages will be encouraged, uplifted and energized.

You are one of our most requested speakers. Marriages are being changed! Praise God! He has given you a gift.

God has used you to give encouragement to so many women that needed hope and strength. I could listen to you for hours!